PERM 2021
Event Details
PERM 2021 Invited Speakers
Prof. Silvio Aime
University of Torino
Prof. Jan-Bernd Hövener
Uniklinikum Schleswig-Holstein
Prof. Ilya Kuprov
University of Southampton
Dr. Mohammad Sabba
University of Southampton
Prof. Pratip Bhattacharya
University of Texas, MD Anderson
Prof. Alexej Jerschow
New York University
Dr. Kerstin Münnemann
TU Kaiserslautern
Prof. W. Michael Snow
Indiana University
Prof. Rich Eisenberg
University of Rochester
Prof. Stephen Kadlecek
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Markus Leutzsch
MPI for Coal Research
Prof. Warren Warren
Duke University
Dr. Stefan Glöggler
MPI for Biophysical Chemistry
Prof. Alexandra Yurkovskaya
International Tomography Center
Dr. Soumya Roy
University of Southampton
PERM 2021 Important Dates:
Abstract Deadline - EXTENDED:
Friday, May 28th 2021
Registration Closing:
Thursday, June 17th 2021
Conference Dates:
Monday, June 21st - Wednesday, June 23rd 2021
PERM 2020 was a great success!
We are excited to continue the tradition of PERM and parahydrogen from 2020 onward. We believe the virtual and free conference format is well-suited to increased participation, interaction, and collaboration from parahydrogen scientists around the world. We are excited to highlight some of the exciting features of the upcoming PERM 2021 conference, including:
Increased face-to-face interactions
Social and raffle events
Full digital calendar
More promoted talks and discussion-based poster sessions
All of the awesome features of last year’s conference!
We hope that you will register and submit an abstract to share some of your exciting new research with the rest of the PERM community!
Please contact with any questions.